Sunday, May 1, 2011

One Month!!!

Well, we made it through month one! Logan is doing great. He likes to take walks and play on his mat. He is definitely becoming more alert and observant. He is a good eater and a good sleeper at night time, but has some issues with what to do with himself when he is awake. He has about a five minute attention span before he gets cranky and wants to do something new. He is also a big sleep fighter. We say the bigger the fit the longer the nap. Even when his eyes are closed he will let out a couple of big screams before finally giving in to sleep. I think he is afraid he will miss something. He loves bath time so we take extra long baths at night. He is also getting much stronger. Shawn likes to work with him on his 'muscles'. His grandma's have been a big help to me during the day as I am trying to finish my final paper for my masters degree. Only 2 weeks left! We have not yet been able to catch smile on camera and although it may just be gas it is still cute to us. He also went to his first baseball game Friday night to watch his Uncle Kyle play. He did suprisingly well and we made it through the whole game. We decided to take a picture of him each month to see his growth (I stole this idea from a friend of mine's blog). We are looking forward to seeing what new things Logan has in store for us in month number 2!